Author: Charlotte Riley

Unveiling Quantum Metal: A Comprehensive Analysis of the “Quantum Metal Penipu” Controversy


In the dynamic arena of investments, the Quantum Metal saga has sparked debates and concerns, notably associated with the keyword “Quantum Metal Penipu” (meaning “Quantum Metal scam” in Indonesian). This pillar article aims to delve deeply into the heart of the controversy surrounding Quantum Metal, examining the allegations, dissecting the evidence, and providing an unbiased perspective on whether the claims of Quantum Metal being a scam hold merit.

Exploring Quantum Metal Penipu Allegations

Quantum Metal, once hailed as a promising contender in the investment landscape, now finds itself under the microscope amidst allegations of being a scam, as suggested by the “Quantum Metal Penipu” keyword. To assess the veracity of these claims, let’s take a comprehensive look at Quantum Metal’s history and operations.

Quantum Metal Overview:
Quantum Metal penipu entered the investment scene with ambitious promises, offering innovative opportunities in precious metals and cutting-edge technologies. The initial allure of the company attracted a significant number of investors seeking to diversify their portfolios with a fresh perspective.

The Emergence of Penipu Allegations:
The controversy surrounding Quantum Metal Penipu intensified with accusations of deceptive practices, mismanagement of funds, and a lack of transparency in the company’s dealings. Investors, initially optimistic about Quantum Metal’s potential, began questioning the legitimacy of their involvement, leading to the emergence of the “Quantum Metal Penipu” keyword.

Regulatory Involvement:
Regulatory bodies, tasked with upholding market integrity and protecting investors, initiated investigations into the allegations against Quantum Metal. The regulatory scrutiny aimed to uncover the truth behind the accusations and determine whether Quantum Metal had indeed engaged in fraudulent activities.

Unraveling the Quantum Metal Penipu Controversy

Critical Examination of Penipu Allegations:
The allegations associated with the “Quantum Metal Penipu” keyword span a spectrum of claims, from manipulated investment returns to unregistered activities and overall deceit. It is imperative to meticulously examine the evidence supporting these accusations, differentiating between valid concerns and potential misinformation.

Reliance on Verified Reports and Regulatory Statements:
An objective perspective requires reliance on verified reports and regulatory statements. These sources, often the result of thorough investigations, can provide clarity on the legitimacy of the accusations against Quantum Metal. Understanding the regulatory stance is crucial in deciphering the truth.

Investor Due Diligence:
Investors using the “Quantum Metal Penipu” keyword should engage in their due diligence. Scrutinizing the company’s background, evaluating its leadership team, and assessing its financial practices offer valuable insights. Seeking input from reputable financial analysts and consulting with experienced investors adds an additional layer of informed decision-making.

Addressing the Quantum Metal Controversy

Emphasis on Open Communication and Transparency:
Companies facing allegations, such as Quantum Metal, must prioritize open communication and transparency. Addressing concerns directly, providing clarity on business practices, and keeping investors informed can go a long way in rebuilding trust.

Legal Actions and Remediation:
Should Quantum Metal be found guilty of fraudulent activities, taking legal actions and initiating remediation efforts is imperative. Companies embroiled in scams should take responsibility, compensate affected investors, and actively work towards rectifying any damage to their reputation.

Implementing Investor Protection Measures:
Investors concerned about the legitimacy of Quantum Metal or any investment opportunity should proactively protect their interests. Diversifying portfolios, staying informed about regulatory developments, and seeking professional financial advice contribute to a robust defense against potential scams.


The Quantum Metal controversy, epitomized by the “Quantum Metal Penipu” keyword, highlights the need for thorough investigations and informed decision-making in the investment landscape. As investors navigate the intricacies of the financial world, distinguishing between legitimate concerns and baseless accusations becomes paramount. By examining verified reports, staying abreast of regulatory developments, and conducting due diligence, investors can contribute to a more transparent and secure investment environment, fostering trust and safeguarding their financial well-being.

Unraveling the Enigma: Quantum Metal Scandal Exposed and Strategies for Secure Investing


In the ever-shifting realm of investments, the Quantum Metal scandal has emerged as a cautionary tale, underscoring the need for vigilance and due diligence. This article delves into the heart of the Quantum Metal controversy, aiming to decipher the allegations, discern truth from conjecture, and offer key strategies for securing investments in the face of potential scams.

The Ascent and Turmoil of Quantum Metal Scammer

Once heralded as an innovative investment prospect, Quantum Metal’s trajectory has taken a downturn amid allegations of impropriety. With promises of groundbreaking opportunities in precious metals and cutting-edge technologies, the company initially captivated investors seeking lucrative returns. However, as Quantum Metal’s popularity soared, so did suspicions surrounding its practices, prompting investors to question the legitimacy of their involvement.

  1. Initial Allure and Appeal: Quantum Metal Penipu entered the scene with bold promises and a unique value proposition, drawing in a considerable number of investors eager to capitalize on the growing interest in alternative assets. The allure of potential returns fueled excitement and optimism among those seeking a fresh approach to investment.
  2. Allegations of Deceitful Practices: Yet, as Quantum Metal scammer gained momentum, whispers of deceptive practices, mismanagement of funds, and a lack of transparency began circulating. Investors, initially drawn in by the allure of a promising opportunity, found themselves grappling with uncertainty as troubling reports cast a shadow over the company’s integrity.
  3. Regulatory Scrutiny: Regulatory bodies, keen on safeguarding investor interests, were swift to respond to the growing controversy. Investigations were launched to scrutinize the veracity of the allegations, determining whether Quantum Metal Scammer had indeed engaged in fraudulent activities. Regulatory oversight played a crucial role in uncovering the truth behind the accusations.

Deciphering Fact from Fiction

  1. Scrutinizing Allegations: Allegations against Quantum Metal Scammer ranged from manipulated investment returns to engaging in unregistered and illicit activities. A critical examination of the evidence supporting these claims is imperative to distinguish legitimate concerns from potential misinformation. Reliance on verified reports and regulatory statements is paramount in uncovering the truth.
  2. Investor Due Diligence: Investors play a pivotal role in safeguarding their interests by conducting thorough due diligence before engaging with any investment opportunity. Researching a company’s background, evaluating its leadership team, and scrutinizing financial practices can provide invaluable insights. Seeking input from reputable financial analysts and consulting experienced investors can contribute to a more informed investment decision.
  3. Vigilance to Regulatory Alerts: Paying heed to alerts and warnings issued by regulatory bodies is indispensable. These entities serve as guardians of market integrity and investor protection. In instances where a company like Quantum Metal Scammer is flagged or under investigation, investors must treat these warnings seriously, reassess their positions, and act accordingly.

Strategies for Investment Security

  1. Diversification for Risk Mitigation: The age-old strategy of diversifying investments across various asset classes remains a cornerstone for risk management. A well-balanced portfolio, incorporating a mix of traditional and alternative assets, helps cushion the impact of potential scams on overall wealth.
  2. Continuous Informed Engagement: Staying abreast of market trends, regulatory developments, and potential red flags is indispensable. Active participation in investment communities, attendance at financial seminars, and subscribing to reputable financial news sources enhance an investor’s ability to make informed decisions.
  3. Professional Financial Advisory Services: Seeking guidance from certified financial professionals adds an extra layer of protection. Financial advisors offer personalized insights based on an individual’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and prevailing market conditions. Their expertise aids investors in navigating the intricacies of the investment landscape and avoiding potential scams.
  4. Regular Portfolio Monitoring: Consistently monitoring investment portfolios and conducting periodic reviews is vital. Any indications of irregularities or unexpected shifts in a company’s performance warrant thorough investigation. Prompt action in response to warning signals minimizes potential losses.


The Quantum Metal Scammer underscores the critical importance of due diligence and discernment in the investment realm. Investors must navigate the financial landscape with caution, distinguishing genuine opportunities from potential scams. By staying well-informed, diversifying portfolios, and seeking professional advice, we can collectively contribute to a more secure and resilient investment environment, fortifying our financial well-being in the face of uncertainties.

The Impact of AI on Work: V Circle Leading the Way

V Circle

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has permeated various facets of our lives, including the way we work. In this article, we will explore the profound impact of AI on the workplace, with a specific focus on how V Circle is spearheading innovative solutions that are reshaping the future of work.

The AI Revolution in the Workplace

AI technology has disrupted traditional work environments, ushering in an era of automation, augmentation, and transformation. As businesses strive to stay competitive and efficient, they are turning to AI to streamline operations and empower their workforce.

Automation and Efficiency

V Circle has been a pioneer in harnessing AI for workplace automation. From automating routine tasks to optimizing supply chain logistics, their AI-driven solutions are helping businesses reduce operational costs and improve overall efficiency.

Augmentation of Human Capabilities

Rather than replacing human workers, AI is augmenting their capabilities. V Circle’s AI-powered tools are designed to work alongside employees, enhancing their decision-making processes and enabling them to focus on more creative and value-added tasks.

The Role of AI in Decision-Making

In an increasingly data-driven world, AI is becoming an indispensable tool for informed decision-making. V Circle’s AI algorithms are adept at processing vast amounts of data and extracting actionable insights, empowering businesses to make strategic choices with confidence.

Data-Driven Decision Support

V Circle’s AI solutions provide decision-makers with real-time data and predictive analytics. This enables businesses to respond swiftly to changing market conditions, identify growth opportunities, and mitigate risks effectively.

Personalized Customer Experiences

AI-driven personalization is not limited to the customer-facing side of business. V Circle’s AI technology is also helping organizations tailor their interactions with employees, creating a more engaging and personalized work environment.

The Evolution of Skills and Roles

As AI becomes increasingly integrated into the workplace, the demand for new skills and roles is on the rise. V Circle recognizes the importance of preparing the workforce for this shift and is actively involved in shaping the workforce of the future.

Reskilling and Upskilling

V Circle is investing in reskilling and upskilling programs to ensure that employees remain competitive in an AI-augmented workplace. These initiatives equip workers with the skills needed to thrive in roles that require interaction with AI systems.

New Collaborations

AI is fostering collaboration between humans and machines. V Circle’s collaborative AI tools are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, encouraging employees to work alongside AI systems to achieve common goals.

Ethical Considerations in AI Work

With great power comes great responsibility. V Circle is committed to ethical AI practices, ensuring that their AI systems adhere to stringent ethical guidelines and do not perpetuate bias or discrimination.

Fairness and Inclusivity

V Circle’s AI algorithms are engineered to be fair and inclusive. They actively mitigate bias and promote diversity, fostering a more equitable workplace for all employees.

Transparency and Accountability

V Circle places a premium on transparency in AI decision-making. Their AI systems are designed to provide clear explanations for their recommendations, ensuring that employees can trust and understand the technology they work with.

The Future of AI Work

The impact of AI on work is an ongoing and evolving phenomenon. V Circle envisions a future where AI technology continues to enhance productivity, enable new forms of creativity, and lead to more fulfilling work experiences.

Human-Centric AI

V Circle’s approach to AI work revolves around placing humans at the center. They believe that AI should be a tool that amplifies human potential and creativity, leading to a more human-centric workplace.

Continuous Innovation

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, V Circle remains committed to innovation. They are actively exploring emerging AI technologies and partnerships to stay at the forefront of AI work solutions.


The impact of AI on work is undeniable, and V Circle is at the forefront of this transformative journey. Their commitment to automation, augmentation, and ethical AI practices is reshaping the workplace, making it more efficient, inclusive, and human-centric. As AI continues to evolve, so too will the way we work, and V Circle’s dedication to driving this evolution ensures a future of work that is both exciting and promising.

Unveiling V Circle CM Sdn Bhd: Empowering Through Innovation

v circle cm sdn bhd

In the modern landscape of technological advancements, V Circle CM Sdn Bhd emerges as a dynamic force, redefining the way we interact, conduct business, and experience the digital world. With a strong commitment to innovation, V Circle CM Sdn Bhd has positioned itself as a leader in the realm of technology-driven solutions, transforming industries and empowering individuals and businesses alike.

A Fusion of Vision and Innovation

At the heart of V Circle CM Sdn Bhd’s success is a visionary approach to innovation. The company’s journey began with a mission to bridge the gap between human potential and technological capabilities. With this fusion, V Circle CM Sdn Bhd has not only embraced the present but also unlocked the potential of the future. Through the lens of innovation, the company has introduced groundbreaking solutions that redefine what’s possible.

The Power of AI: Revolutionizing Industries

V Circle CM Sdn Bhd’s signature lies in its utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) as a driving force for change. From predictive analytics that empower businesses to make data-driven decisions to AI-powered virtual assistants that enhance customer experiences, the company is at the forefront of AI innovation. The applications of AI are as diverse as they are transformative, touching industries ranging from e-commerce and healthcare to education and beyond.

Elevating Businesses: Tailored Solutions for Success

V Circle CM Sdn Bhd’s impact on businesses is undeniable. By understanding the unique challenges faced by industries, the company delivers tailored solutions that drive growth and efficiency. Through intelligent data analysis, V Circle CM Sdn Bhd enables businesses to identify trends, optimize processes, and unlock new revenue streams. This approach empowers businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

A Customer-Centric Approach: Enhancing User Experiences

While technology is a driving force, V Circle CM Sdn Bhd remains firmly committed to enhancing user experiences. Through AI-driven solutions, the company creates seamless interactions that feel personal and intuitive. From chatbots that provide real-time assistance to virtual reality experiences that captivate audiences, V Circle CM Sdn Bhd ensures that technology doesn’t just serve as a tool but as an extension of human connection.

Catalyzing Transformations: Education and Beyond

V Circle CM Sdn Bhd’s impact goes beyond business – it extends to education, community building, and societal progress. By revolutionizing the way we learn, connect, and engage, the company contributes to a brighter future. Its virtual classroom solutions redefine education, making it accessible, engaging, and tailored to individual needs. Through immersive experiences, V Circle CM Sdn Bhd paves the way for more meaningful interactions in an increasingly digital world.

A Vision for Tomorrow: Shaping the Future

As V Circle CM Sdn Bhd continues its journey, its vision remains clear – to be a catalyst for positive change in a technology-driven era. The company envisions a future where AI is not just a tool but an enabler of dreams and aspirations. By pushing the boundaries of innovation, V Circle CM Sdn Bhd aims to leave an indelible mark on industries, businesses, and individuals alike.

Conclusion: Embrace the Future with V Circle CM Sdn Bhd

In the tapestry of technological innovation, V Circle CM Sdn Bhd is a thread that weaves together imagination, innovation, and empowerment. It’s more than a company – it’s a movement that embraces the potential of AI to shape a better future. As businesses and individuals embark on their own journeys, they’re invited to join hands with V Circle CM Sdn Bhd, where innovation knows no limits and the future is a canvas waiting to be painted with infinite possibilities

Corporate Interior Design: Shaping Inspiring Workspaces for Success

corporate interior design

Corporate interior design is a specialized discipline that focuses on creating inspiring and functional workspaces for businesses. It goes beyond aesthetics and decor, encompassing strategic space planning, brand representation, and optimizing the overall employee experience. Corporate interior design plays a vital role in shaping the environment where employees spend a significant portion of their time, impacting their productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction. This article explores the significance of corporate interior design, highlighting its key responsibilities, benefits, and how it contributes to shaping workspaces that foster success.

The Role of Corporate Interior Design 

Corporate interior design plays a pivotal role in creating spaces that align with the goals and culture of a business. It involves thoughtful consideration of the company’s objectives, employee needs, and brand identity.

The essence of corporate interior design lies in its ability to create an environment that promotes productivity, creativity, and employee engagement. By optimizing the use of space and incorporating functional design elements, corporate interior design enhances the overall workplace experience.

Creating Spaces that Reflect Brand Identity 

One of the primary responsibilities of corporate interior design is to create spaces that reflect the brand identity of the company. From the reception area to individual workstations, the design choices are carefully curated to align with the company’s values and vision.

By incorporating brand colors, logos, and imagery into the interior design, corporate interior designers create a cohesive representation of the brand. This not only leaves a lasting impression on clients and visitors but also fosters a sense of pride and belonging among employees.

Optimizing Productivity and Employee Well-Being  

Corporate interior design focuses on optimizing productivity and employee well-being. Ergonomic workstations, comfortable seating, and proper lighting are essential elements integrated into the design to support employee health and efficiency.

Thoughtful space planning and layout design create efficient workflows and minimize distractions, contributing to increased productivity. Additionally, incorporating elements of biophilic design, such as plants and natural materials, can have a positive impact on employee well-being and reduce stress levels.

Enhancing Collaboration and Communication  

Corporate interior design recognizes the importance of collaboration and communication in the modern workplace. Open office layouts, breakout spaces, and collaborative areas are strategically designed to encourage teamwork and idea exchange.

Meeting rooms and huddle spaces are equipped with the latest technology and audiovisual systems to facilitate seamless communication and virtual collaborations. Corporate interior design fosters an environment that promotes effective teamwork and enhances overall employee satisfaction.


Corporate interior design plays a critical role in shaping inspiring and functional workspaces that foster success for businesses. By creating spaces that reflect brand identity, optimizing productivity and employee well-being, and enhancing collaboration and communication, corporate interior design contributes to the overall success of a company. From startups to established corporations, corporate interior design continues to be an essential aspect of creating work environments that inspire and engage employees, paving the way for a thriving and successful business.


Interiors Fit Out Industry
28 Jalan Ekoflora 5/22, Taman Ekoflora 81100 Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Accounting’s Tale And How It Ended


Whether you are a small business or a start-up, one of the main concerns you must face is undoubtedly managing their finances and controlling expenses as much as possible. In addition to managing people, ensuring optimal results, and planning for growth, as a business owner, you need to keep your finances in the best possible shape to ensure your business strives.

Coping with a growing business can be tough on anyone, so when it comes to finances, expert advice and accountant support can help. The right accountant not only keeps your finances in tip-top shape, it also saves you money and gives you the freedom to focus on what matters.

But for many small business owners and startups, it often comes with a major downside. The seemingly inflated fees of an accountant can be viewed as unnecessary when trying to control expenses. However, there are many accountants who not only work on a fee basis, but also offer a variety of important services that can give your business the opportunities it

Below we have listed some of the services that the right accountant can provide to keep your business in top shape…

Bookkeeping – Bookkeeping is the task of keeping records of all financial records and is a legal requirement that all businesses must comply with. Accountants help maintain accurate and detailed records of all incoming and outgoing expenses, account records, cash disbursement records, and details of business expenses. Financial Statements – Financial statements are a difficult prospect that every business must deal with. With the right accountant, you can accurately close your financial statements, review your company’s performance and financial forecasts, and file all your account, business and personal tax returns on time.

Sales tax filing – One of the most complex issues business owners have to deal with is sales tax filing. However, an experienced small business accountant can usually handle most of the process and save you the hassle. In many cases, your accountant will work with you to ensure that you are registered, that your return is correctly completed and filed on time, and that future deductions are taken into account. .

Payroll – Whether you’re a small business or a start-up, you obviously have employees who need to be paid. An accountant with payroll experience tracks staff salaries, ensures all tax and social security deductions are made, ensures her PAYE submissions to her HMRC on time, and helps students Consider loans, sick pay, and maternity leave. The above are just a few of the services that a good accountant can provide. With the right fees and experience, having an accountant handle the above issues and more saves you time and money by allowing you to easily and safely know that your finances are in your best hands. You can even

Whatever your view on cost savings; putting your business in the hands of a professional accountant can be one of the best investments you can make.

Master The Art Of Web Sms With These 5 Tips

web sms

High tempo and perfection have grow to be the 2 buzzwords withinside the twenty first century. No count whether or not you’re a student, a running expert or a enterprise person; to stay a a hit existence withinside the gift international you need to observe the guideline of thumb of the present day international. Since conversation performs a pivotal function withinside the gift age, you need to provide right interest in this component for you to be a winner.

Advancement of era has spread out new web SMS to the sector of desire and opportunities for the present day human beings in addition to the enterprise international. Modern technology have simplified enterprise operations easy. Now for the present day groups selling enterprise and achieving goal human beings aren’t the topics to fear approximately. The current boon withinside the telecommunication era, named cell telecellsmartphone, has resulted a whole lot smoother conversation and creation of a brand new marketing and marketing medium. Yes, now cell telecellsmartphone has grow to be a famous shape of advertising and marketing and marketing and marketing. As it’s far one issue that majority of the human beings withinside the civilized society very own, achieving the hundreds isn’t in any respect tough now. Bulk SMS is the neatest manner to attain hundreds of human beings withinside the simplest of manner.

If you very own a employer or you’re an occasion organizer then bulk SMS might be the correct medium so that you can attain a huge quantity of your goal human beings. The whole manner is without a doubt hassle-unfastened and time-attempt saving. The organizations which provide bulk SMS offerings provide hundreds of cell telecellsmartphone numbers from their database. You simply want to place your message withinside the message box, pick out the numbers to that you need to ship message after which click on at the ship button and your message will attain all the ones mobiles inside some seconds.

Specialized software program is utilized in bulk SMS system. The device is attached to the net and running the device for sending SMS isn’t in any respect want any understanding information, each person with simple laptop information can use such device for sending SMS.

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Things You Need to Know about Corporate Tax Planning Malaysia

Corporate Tax Planning Malaysia

Corporate Tax Planning Malaysia could even be a tax on a company’s taxable profit. an organization being any Ltd. whether by shares or guarantee, members clubs and associations, trade and housing associations, co-operative groups. A companay tax return |return|legal document|legal instrument|official document|instrument”> tax return consists of the finished Corporation income tax return CT600 and thus the annual financial accounts and documents which support the tax calculation.

All companies are required by law to wish care of records of that company’s transactions during a fashion that possesses to be capable enable the company to provide an accurate Corporate Tax Planning Malaysia . Company tax records must be kept for a minimum of six years from the absolute best of the accounting period and longer if the accounts are submitted late or being enquired into by the Inland Revenue . Company tax records must include all original sales receipts and buy expenses. Under Companies Act legislation registered companies must also keep accounting records.

Companies are responsible for calculating their own corporation liabilities and paying the corporation tax without prior assessment by the Inland Revenue . Companies which fail to deliver their tax return by the statutory fling date which is usually 12 months after the accounting period are vulnerable to penalties. An accounting period normally being 12 months – are often shorter but never longer. Should an organization submit the CT600 Corporate Tax Planning Malaysia return |return|legal document|legal instrument|official document|instrument”> tax return |return|legal document|legal instrument|official document|instrument”> income tax return |return|legal document|legal instrument|official document|instrument”> tax return form without the accounts then it’s treated as not having submitted a income tax return form.

Current Company tax return Forms

The latest version of the CT600 form for 2007 has been available for download from the Inland Revenue website since 31 August 2007. The Corporate Tax Planning Malaysia return Form CT600 Version 2 contains two small changes from the previous 2006 version. CT600 (short) for small companies features an additional box on Page 1 so as that an organization which can be a member of a gaggle apart from alittle group can identify itself. the same additional box is on CT600 plus a replacement box on page 3 of the 8-page form so as that an organization with ring fence profits can show the ring fence profits included in its figure of total profits. There aren’t any changes to other forms within the CT600 series at this and each one the CT600 Supplementary Pages published in 2006 remain valid and will probably remain so until a minimum of after the 2008 Chancellor’s Budget.

Corporation Tax Rates

While the foremost rate of Corporate Tax Planning Malaysia remained at 30% in 2006 and 2007 which may be reducing to twenty-eight in 2008. the small company corporation rate applicable to companies with annual profits under £300,000 was increased from 19% in 2006 to twenty effective on profits earned after 1 April 2007 and is on the brink of extend further on 1 April 2008 to 21% and to 22% from 1 April 2009 as announced within the March 2007 Budget. Corporation Tax on ring fenced profits being income and gains from oil extraction activities or oil rights within the united kingdom and UK ocean bottom remain at 19% for small companies and 30% for larger companies. Interest is charged on late payments and at a lower rate on instalment repayments of Corporation Tax as is that the practice on all late tax payments.

Accounting Periods straddling 1 April

The effective date for changes within the Corporation rate applicable in recent years has been 1 April annually as against the 5 April for unincorporated businesses. For companies with accounting periods that straddle the 1 April separate calculations are required for the amount before 1 April and after 1 April based upon the amount of days in each accounting period. As a proportion of 365 (366 in leap years like 2008)

No Corporation Tax Due

Companies are required to advise HMCE by either submitting an organization tax return or informing them by completing the HMCE form for this purpose or at the very least returning the payment slip marked “NIL due”. All communications should state the corporation tax payment reference which can be found on the payment slip. This reference number is restricted to each accounting period and must be quoted accurately.

Filing Corporation tax return Online

Most companies and their agents can file company tax returns online. The computations, financial accounts and other supporting documentation must be sent in PDF format with some approved software products being sent in XBRL format. Filing the corporation tax return online is quicker , often more convenient and can be done 24 hours each day while the HMCE software calculates the liabilities . Using the CT Online service also allows the company’s tax position to be viewed including any interest or penalties that are charged. Company details like telephone, fax, addresses and email addresses are often changed and agent details are often added or changed. Authorised agents can also view client company corporation tax positions and liabilities.

Inland Revenue Enquiries into Company Tax Returns

Corporate Tax Planning Malaysia

Enquiries into Company Tax returns are governed by rules and codes of practice. HMCE have a minimum of 12 months from the statutory filing date to commence an enquiry when the company tax return has been submitted on time and longer if the return is submitted late. Companies are advised in writing when an enquiry starts and ends. If no adjustments are required HMCE advise the enquiry has finished. Any adjustments are also advised in writing and thus the corporate then has 30 days to file an amended Company tax return failing which HMCE will amend the return. an organization can apply to the Inland Revenue Commissioners for an enquiry to be closed at any time during an enquiry . Separate codes of practice exist for local offices and specialist compliance offices.


Vital Fact Group
Menara BHL, 51-12-F2, Jln Sultan Ahmad Shah, 10050 George Town, Pulau Pinang

Why big data is crucial element for companies

Companies have to be able to accumulate data and use them in the best possible way to achieve better meet consumers make better business decisions and be able to anticipate the needs of its customers and requests that they have service and new products. The data have become a sort of element that can make the success or failure of a company and its strategy. Read more about Fusionex big data here.

But the data are not available to everyone, or at least that’s what it seems at first glance. Large companies, those questions both muscle and reach, manage to accumulate much more data are in a more privileged position than that occupied by the smaller companies that do not have easy access to information and they do not have so easy to accumulate data.

It is a somewhat logical question. As the size of a company grows, so does its potential number of customers and their actual customers, which makes potential data at your fingertips are much greater and the possibilities that can develop when playing with the data being even higher.

The issue is not limited to data and possible have access to, but also is marked by another element, the monetary. In order to succeed in the world of big data, brands have to make a prior investment. Expenses are varied and touch many areas as companies need to sign specific talent, they need to make an investment in technology infrastructure because, even though the cloud has made the least expensive prices, brands need room to store all that data and need, also, the technology required to read and manage these data.

fusionex international

The investment has grown, but not interested companies
All this means that despite everything there is a border between those who can and who are unable to take benefits of big data. There is more to look at, in fact, the latest study by Gartner on the issue to see it. The overall grows of investment showing that this tool has great potential for businesses.

What do the numbers say? As noted in the findings of the Gartner, investments in big data continue to grow (although starting to show signs of shrinking market) and, although investments are on the rise, the number of companies willing to invest in this tool is going down.

Overall, 48% of companies have invested in big data for 2016, representing an increase of 3% over the previous year. If you look who plan to do so in the near future, things are not so buoyant. The percentage of companies planning to invest has risen from 31% in 2015 to 26% in 2016.



Robin Ooi – Malaysia’s Top SEO Consultant

An exceptional Search Engine Optimisation solutions firm delivers specific vital functions that supply outcomes for their individuals. Listed here are actually the 7 functionalities:.

You possess in fact that site dedicated to your specific company passion. You’re passionate concerning your area of task and also the product and services you offer. Nonetheless, you are actually possessing trouble reaching your target market. It is actually opportunity you deal with Robin Ooi solutions to aid you create straight visibility for your Internet firm. (S.E.O exemplifies search engine optimisation.).

SEO Malaysia
SEO Malaysia

1. Affordable Search Engine Optimization.

Low-cost S.E.O is actually absolutely one thing you need to have to consider when choosing a provider. If you feel like great deals of site managers, you have actually a prepared budget advertising as well as marketing your business. It is very important that an economical solution gives whatever you need nevertheless.

A top quality marketing initiative that steers pre-sold web traffic to your web site isn’t special to costly solution bundles. A leading solution utilizes packages that accommodate several budget, while supplying outcomes regardless of the company selection chosen. This helps your solution considering that you do not spend too much as well as possess information for various other marketing tasks.

2. On-Page as well as Off-Page Search Engine Optimisation Advertising.

On-page Search Engine Optimisation is actually job carried out on the web site on its own, to assist it get height along with on the web internet search engine. This includes meta tags on each webpage as well as website design, featuring targeting specific touchdown webpages. It additionally features possessing appropriate web content on each web page. Last but not least, it features online search engine goodwill job, including consistent use LINK constructs.

Off-page S.E.O contains incoming hyperlink support text message, inbound web link variants and also web link importance. It also includes incoming hyperlink styles, inbound hyperlink time, listing website article marketing as well as referral web page marketing.

3. Attach Structure for Your Website.

The additional one-way hyperlinks you possess relating to your website coming from dependable sites, the much better. Online search engine desire to observe that your website possesses well-liked and also very related to web sites connecting to it. This supports your internet site’s integrity and also performance to an on-line online search engine’s customers.

Always remember, an internet search engine’s purpose is actually to use premium search engine results page web page based upon their consumers’ questions. A great company advertises all natural Search Engine Optimization for your site. They operate thus your web site receives lists on natural internet search engine leads webpages (SERPs). Organic search engine result webpage are actually directories that show up on SERPs due to the fact that they associate with the hunt conditions.

4. Pay-Per-Click Settings and also Monitoring Service Provider.

Pay-per-click initiatives target internet searchers along with an alikeness for the services or product you utilize. You, the marketing professional, quote on keyword words appropriate to your particular niche market. You pay for merely when a person clicks your add. Your advertising campaign uncovers on SERP webpages linked to your key phrases as well as a result your product and services.

A top Search Engine Optimization solutions company focuses on pay-per-click settings for the notable online search engine. They give assistance in the first settings procedure of pay-per-click initiatives. They also take care of the profits as well as roi of explained projects.

5. Product Feed Search Engine Optimisation.

Delivering thing supplies to well-liked buying comparison web sites is something else that an exceptional solution performs. They develop individualized product supplies of your items for these contrast sites. They make it so the supplies immediately improve combined with your item leaflet alterations. Moreover, they improve your nourishes to make sure that your items position best in these purchasing evaluation web sites.

6. Consulting Capability.

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Robin Ooi
390-G, Jalan Panchor
Pulau Pinang
011-1442 6865.

Can A City Be Smart?

Here is a rhyming query: How smart can a smart city be? As smart as Songdo? Or as smart as the proposed traffic controls in Amaravati? Forget London, New York, San Francisco and Paris for a moment. Will it be as smart as the ones being planned in Kuala Lumpur and Smart City Iskandar Malaysia?

If you think that sounds corny, think again. All these cities are in the global smart city sweepstakes. Songdo, in South Korea, was the world’s first smart city and Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh, India, is being built from the ground up to be the country’s first futuristic, hyper-connected and Singapore-supported smart city. There are about 1,000 cities worldwide, including 100 in India and 500 in China, that want to be “smart” — and as soon as possible, beefed up by stupendous investments.

Here are some stupendous numbers, for a start. International Data Corp (IDC) forecasts that global investments in the technologies that enable smart-city initiatives will reach US$80 billion this year. By 2021, that spending will cross US$135 billion, according to the first IDC Worldwide Semi-Annual Smart Cities Spending Guide, released in February.

Research firm MarketsandMarkets says the global market for smart cities will jump from US$425 billion in 2017 to US$1.2 trillion by 2022 — seeing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23% during the period — due mainly to rapid telecommunications connectivity and hyper-urbanisation.

San Francisco-headquartered Grand View Research reports that the smart-city marketplace will skyrocket to US$2.57 trillion by 2025, registering a CAGR of 18.4% between now and then. “Rising demand for smart-city solutions is anticipated to be driven by factors such as a growing urban population, the need to better manage limited natural resources and an increasing focus on environmental sustainability,” says the firm.

What is smart?

What is a smart city? Mark Deakin, author of From Intelligent to Smart Cities, defines a smart city as one that utilises information communications technology (ICT) to meet the demands of the market, which comprises the citizens of the city. “Community involvement in the process is necessary for a smart city. A smart city would thus be one that not only possesses ICT in particular areas but has also implemented the technology in a manner that positively impacts the local community,” writes Deakin.

IDC defines smart cities as those that attain digital transformation in an urban ecosystem to meet environmental, financial and social outcomes. A smart city begins to be developed when multiple smart or intelligent initiatives are coordinated to leverage technology investments across an entire city, use common platforms to decrease service time or maintenance costs, share data across systems and tie IT investments clearly to smart missions.

“Smart cities have evolved from a collection of discrete flagship projects to a sizeable market opportunity that will drive significant tech investments in 2018 and beyond. Strategic priorities include intelligent transport, data-driven public safety and resilient energy and infrastructure,” says Serena Da Rold, programme manager for customer insights and analysis at IDC.

The smart city concept covers sectors such as healthcare, transport, assisted living, security and utilities. “Their implementation varies from city to city due to technological penetration in specific regions. A high amount of initial financial investments, the need for consolidation of different departments and sectors and a lack of a systemic approach may threaten industry growth. Nevertheless, the market is set to grow at a rapid rate in the coming years, driven by the industries’ renewed interest, availability of technology and all-inclusive participation of industry stakeholders,” notes Grand View Research.

Which geographies lead in smart-city implementation? The US is the largest market with a total spend of US$22 billion this year, reports IDC. China is rapidly closing the gap and will invest nearly as much — about US$21 billion — on smart-city technologies and integration in 2018 alone.

China started smart-city pilots way back in 2012 to boost the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in areas such as traffic management, law enforcement and energy efficiency in public buildings. Management consultancy Deloitte says China aims to nurture 100 new smart cities from 2016 to 2020 to lead the country’s urban planning and development. fusionex founder

Smart Malaysia

China is reaching outside its borders, first to Malaysia. Early this year, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd tied up with Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to launch the Malaysia City Brain initiative. The first task: improve KL’s congested traffic flow. The solution will include AI and IoT in due course.

More brainpower is set to come from the Malaysia Tianchi Big Data Programme, also from Alibaba. This will expose big data professionals in the country to best practices and software from around the world to tackle smart-city problems. The aim? Incubate 500 data professionals and 300 start-ups in two years in Malaysia by collaborating with Alibaba Cloud’s Tianchi global community, which has 120,000 developers from 77 countries and regions.

In November 2017, the world’s first e-commerce platform outside China — the Digital Free Trade Zone (DFTZ) — was announced by the Malaysian government and Alibaba. Malaysia-headquartered Fusionex International plc will provide the big-data engine. “The DFTZ brings together a multitude of key parties, including trade facilitation firms, e-marketplace players, government agencies, logistics providers, freight forwarders and small and medium enterprises,” said Fusionex Founder and CEO Ivan Teh.

Smart-city projects are also popping up in Johor. The Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) has teamed up with Mimos Bhd to develop smart technologies to be deployed in Kulai and Sedenak. IRDA has also signed a memorandum of understanding with the SAS Institute to design and deploy the Iskandar Malaysia Urban Observatory — a one-stop centre to collect and analyse data for a smart-city rollout.

KL made the list in the 2017 Smart Cities Index by Europe-based EasyPark Group, which offers smart car-park services in 600 cities. The firm listed 19 criteria, including smartphone penetration, smart traffic sensors, 4G connectivity, parking options and car-sharing apps. The study analysed 500 cities and ranked the top 100. “To round off the study, we asked 20,000 technology and urban planning journalists for their expert opinion on how the cities where they have lived are moving with the curve of digitalisation,” said the firm.

The top six smartest cities? Copenhagen, Singapore, Stockholm, Zurich, Boston and Tokyo — in that order. Taipei was ranked No 57, Hong Kong No 68, Beijing No 81, Kuala Lumpur No 84 and Shanghai No 85. “Big data has changed the face of the world as we know it because it allows us to create better solutions to real-world problems. Every city on this index deserves to be applauded for its efforts. While the results indicate those cities that are leaps and bounds ahead, it also brings to attention the admirable efforts of many cities looking forward to a smart future,” says Mauritz Börjeson, chief big data officer at EasyPark Group.

Last month, Intel Corp commissioned Juniper Research to rank 20 cities in terms of smartness measured by IoT integration and interconnected services in mobility, healthcare, public safety and productivity. Singapore was ranked No 1, followed by London, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Seoul, Berlin, Tokyo, Barcelona and Melbourne.

The Big S

The big S in “Smartness” is security, points out management consultancy McKinsey & Co. Cities will never be 100% secure, nor can they avoid dangers entirely. But they can be resilient in the face of a wide range of stresses and shocks by making the right investments, in both the physical and cyber domains, to prepare for crises, react to restore normalcy and learn from and adapt to the new status quo.

“While city leaders tend to have a solid understanding of the physical threats facing them — from earthquakes to terrorism — their understanding of how to mitigate against cyberrisks is often spottier. Building cyberresilience requires a profound shift in the way cyberthreats are dealt with and assets protected — from focusing on breach prevention to understanding that cybersecurity failures will happen, and that quick and efficient recovery capabilities are needed,” notes a McKinsey commentary.

Resilience can make a huge difference in the wake of a cyberattack. “Consider the UK National Health Service, which suffered a ransomware attack last year. But the hospital system had built in enough redundancies, backed up data and stayed on top of software updates. It was able to continue functioning with only a slight delay,” writes Paul Nicholas, a senior director at Microsoft.

“Its resilient data and security practices ensured that it could continue operations even in the face of an attack. On the flipside, a similar attack on several companies across the globe resulted in losses of millions of dollars due to significant business interruption.

Would it be smarter to include climate change into the city’s “smartness” equation? By 2020, half of all smart-city objectives will include climate change, resilience and sustainability factors, says research firm Gartner. Cities are defining new objectives and placing them into tangible programmes. This creates measurable outcomes that meet the targets agreed upon in Paris to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“With the Horizon 2020 goals of energy efficiency, carbon-emission reductions and renewable energy in mind, many cities in Europe have launched energy sustainability, resource management, social inclusion and community prosperity initiatives. The uptake of ride sharing, electrification of public transport, support infrastructure for e-vehicles and congestion charging for combustion engines — all of those examples are driving cleaner air, producing fewer greenhouse emissions and saving energy while cutting noise levels and improving ambience on streets,” says Bettina Tratz-Ryan, a vice-president of research at Gartner.

What is the prognosis for Malaysia? To be a pioneer and combine “clean” and “green” with “smartness”. Clean, as in reduce, reuse and recycle. Green, as in reforesting denuded areas and being environment and ozone-friendly. And smart, as in an interconnected government, businesses and citizenry. That will be the golden smart triangle. More business news here:

Fusionex Honored with Outstanding Achievement Award at PBA 2018 with Fusionex Founder Ivan Teh

PETALING JAYA, Malaysia – Fusionex received the Outstanding Achiever Award 2018 at the Platinum Business Awards (PBA) 2018. The premier awards ceremony recognized Fusionex for its outstanding growth, excellent business practices, and prominent presence in the IT industry.

The award was presented to Fusionex during the PBA 2018 Gala Dinner & Awards Presentation at the Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre. Witnessing the award presentation was guest of honor Entrepreneur Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof. The PBA was launched in 2002 by the SME Association of Malaysia and has gained extensive recognition among SMEs, the business community, as well as the public sector.

fusionex founder

Fusionex has grown from an ASEAN-based IT company, to its present status as the largest Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data technology company in the region. Fusionex helps many conglomerates and SMEs across the world to improve their businesses with humanized and effective use of technology. Fusionex has led, and been involved in, numerous initiatives to advance technology adoption in local businesses to drive Industry 4.0. This has given its clients in Malaysia the ability to compete and succeed at a regional and global level.

Fusionex technologies are being used to power up Malaysia’s Digital Free Trade Zone (DFTZ) eServices Platform. This government-endorsed initiative is expected to benefit local businesses, SMEs, and the country as a whole. The platform aims to double Malaysia’s e-commerce growth rate, and to reach a GDP contribution of RM211 billion by 2020.

Fusionex Founder and Group CEO Dato’ Seri Ivan Teh commented, “We are delighted and honored to receive this award. Credit goes to our phenomenal Fusionex team members for their relentless dedication in driving innovation for our valued customers and partners via Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. This award is for all of you and I hope it continues to spur us all towards realizing the potential of Industry 4.0 via the digital economy, towards the betterment of all businesses.”